A Brief Review to Study of Rice Mill Water Pollution on Mahanadi River at Chhattisgarh

The process of parboil, involves soaking, steaming and drying and this requires large amount of water for soaking the paddy. The soak water contains high load of suspended and dissolved organic materials which putrefies overtime causing water and groundwater pollution. The groundwater is polluted due to release of waste water from rice mills of this area. Various water quality parameters were characterized such as turbidity; Acidity, Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), Dissolved Oxygen (DO) chemical oxygen demand (COD) Iron, Hardness, Chloride, and Sulphate were studied. It has been found that the parameters such as Iron, B.O.D., D.O. and C.O.D., are not in the acceptable limit in accordance with the IS 10500 (2012) drinking Water Quality Standards. The current study will mainly focus on the effect of rice mills on groundwater at Mahanadi River near Rajim.

Keywords: Rice mill, Waste water Rajim region.

Author(s): Shilpi Shrivastava and Sushma Sharma
Volume: 1 Issue: Special-2 Pages: 18-20
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47857/irjms.2020.v01si02.028