Waiver and Discounts

IRJMS is an open-access journal and requires Article Processing Charges (APCs) to be paid after acceptance. To support the researchers who are unable to meet some or all of the costs associated with publishing the journal adopted a transparent waiver policy.

Group A: The journal provides partial waiver in article processing charges to the authors from low-income countries.

Group B: In addition, the journal offers a partial waiver of manuscript processing fees in the event that the author(s) of an article lack the resources necessary to pay these fees. In order to prove their allegation that they lack adequate funds, the writers must present the proper documentation (such as a letter from the head of the institution that has been signed). The validity of the evidence the author submits to the journal determines whether to grant or deny the waiver request. Any application for a waiver may be approved or denied by the journal.

Group C: All the editors and reviewers who have handled at least Six manuscripts in a calendar year can apply for a partial 30% discount to the APC.

Please request your waiver or discount at the point of submission and the requests made during the review process or after acceptance will not be considered.

Please send your waiver requests to editor@irjms.com