What Fad Apparel Generation Z Consumers Purchase in Kolkata? A Study of Selected Fast Fashion Brands

The emergence of product quality and ease of payment factor is an important factor influencing the purchase decision of generation z consumers in the fast fashion category. Consumers’ concerns about brands sustainability are growing, and the fashion sector has a big impact on the environment. Fast fashion companies are frequently condemned for contributing to environmental destruction and worker abuse because they create low-cost, trendy items fast and on a huge scale. Youth shoppers desire to appear confident in public and to have their fashion selections praised by their peers. They want to appear fashionable and up to date, therefore they are more likely to purchase items that their friends or influential people promote. The purpose of the study is to pinpoint the major variables and factors that affect Generation Z consumers in Kolkata’s decision to buy fast fashion clothes. The study revealed that among Generation Z customers in Kolkata, “Product Quality and Ease of Payment,” “Brand’s Eye for Sustainability,” and “Social Acceptance” are the main influences on purchasing decisions for fast fashion items. The paper offers suggestions for suitable marketing and other techniques to enhance the fast fashion firms’ reputations for quality and sustainability to draw in and retain customers.
Keywords: Generation Z, Fast fashion, Brands sustainability, Purchase decisions, Product quality, Ease of payment.

Author(s): Monirul Islam*
Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Pages: 289-300
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47857/irjms.2024.v05i01.0206